Steel Storage Racking
David Beneke Consulting was commissioned by Schaefer Systems International to undertake a proof check of two satellite racking systems for their client Pepsico. The racking systems were to be installed for sites at Mahul and Bazpur, India. Each rack system was modelled in 3 dimensional form using 1 dimensional line elements to represent the uprights, beams, pallet rails and frame bracing. Properties such upright base and beam/upright rotational stiffnesses were incorporated into the finite element analysis model (FEA) via discrete moment end releases.
As a part of developing a Chinese manufactured equivalent of the SRM-1200 high bay pallet racking crane, Dematic commissioned David Beneke Consulting to investigate the ultimate and fatigue capacity of 4 castings which form part of the roller connection between the lifting carriage and mast of the crane.
As a part of assisting Dematic in their design of selective pallet racking for earthquake loading, David Beneke Consulting was commissioned to investigate the vertical load versus displacement characteristics of one their upright footplates. This data could then be used to derive the ductility of this connection in an attempt to reduce levels of earthquake loads.
David Beneke Consulting was commissioned by SSI Schaefer Austria to undertake a proof check of a high bay rack clad building for Blum, Sydney. Conventional high bay pallet racking is such that the rack is independent of the building structure that houses it. In this case though, roof and wall cladding is directly applied to the rack. Accordingly no independent building structure is required.
David Beneke Consulting was commissioned by Dematic to undertake a proof check of a high bay satellite racking system for their client New Cold.
Individual 3D FEA models were created for the Static, Cross-aisle seismic and Down-aisle seismic analyses. The FEA models were created using 1D line elements representing uprights, frame braces, rails, sigma beams and bracing tower members. The inner 30 bays of the rack were represented by a single plane of frames with 30 times the mass and stiffness of a typical frame. This was done in order to reduce model size and computation time.
David Beneke Consulting was commissioned by Witron Germany to undertake a proof check of a LFS sequencer which forms part of a large automated distribution centre in Brisbane. The purpose of the sequencer is to temporarily store totes prior to being organised into a mixed pallet. The sequencer consists of both light gauge steel and hot rolled steel members. The hot rolled steel members are significant as they support a specialised lift which moves totes from ground based conveyors to and from the light gauge steel temporary storage compartments of the sequencer.
Bito Lagertechnik in Germany, developed a light gauge steel racking system called “Adapto” system which can be used for projects in which tote storage is required. One such adaptation of this system is where the rack is used to temporarily store baggage for airports. David Beneke Consulting was commissioned to undertake 3rd Party structural engineering proof checking services of the Early Bag Storage (EBS) racking at Xian Airport (China), Hong Kong Airport (Hong Kong) and Western Sydney Airport (Australia)
Rotational Moulding
David Beneke Consulting was commissioned by Proform Solutions to undertake a finite element analysis (FEA) of two slimline above ground water storage tanks – one of 600 litre capacity and the other of 1,050 litre capacity. These tanks are manufactured from linear low density polyethylene (LLDPE) using the rotational moulding process. The purpose of the FEA was to determine the minimum constant wall thickness for each tank which satisfied the requirements of AS/NZS1170.0 and AS/NZS4766.
David Beneke Consulting was commissioned by Trymak product development to undertake a finite element analysis (FEA) of two slimline above ground water storage tanks – one of 2,200 litre capacity and the other of 3,200 litre capacity. These tanks are manufactured from linear low density polyethylene (LLDPE) using the rotational moulding process. The purpose of the FEA was to determine the minimum constant wall thickness for each tank which satisfied the requirements of AS/NZS1170.0 and AS/NZS4766.
David Beneke Consulting was commissioned by Trymak Product Development on behalf of Taylex Tanks to undertake a finite element analysis (FEA) of a 5,000 litre underground septic tank. This tank was significantly different to those of traditional roto-moulded construction in that the inner and outer walls of the tank are of composite foam core construction. The outer and inner layers of each wall section are composed of a thin layer of linear low density polyethylene (LLDPE). The material in between is a LLDPE foam core. The purpose of the FEA was to determine the minimum overall thickness of the cross section and the minimum thickness of the inner and outer skins which satisfied the requirements of AS/NZS1170.0, AS/NZS1546.1 and the draft underground tank standard.
David Beneke Consulting was commissioned by Hercules Constan Lawyers acting for Domm Developments to investigate the structural performance of two elliptical shaped slimline above ground water storage tanks using finite element analysis (FEA). The first tank was 2,000 litre capacity whilst the other was 1,600 litre capacity. Both tanks were manufactured from linear low density polyethylene (LLDPE) using the rotational moulding process.
David Beneke Consulting was commissioned by ØPD Solutions, Norway to undertake a finite element analysis (FEA) and material optimisation of interlocking road barriers. These road barriers are manufactured from linear low density polyethylene (LLDPE) using the rotational moulding process. The purpose of the FEA was to determine the minimum constant wall thickness when the barrier was filled with either non-potable water or soil.
David Beneke Consulting was commissioned by Trymak Product Development to undertake a finite element analysis and material optimisation of a 3,000 litre and 5,000 litre underground septic tanks. Both tanks were to be manufactured using the rotational moulding process and as such it was important to reduce material costs to a minimum.
David Beneke Consulting was commissioned by Viscount Plastics to undertake a finite element analysis (FEA) of a 2,000 litre capacity, above ground water storage tank rotationally moulded from linear low density polyethylene (LLDPE). As opposed to previous analysis work where the creep modulus was constant over time the analysis conducted in this case incorporated a visco-elastic (VE) material model.
David Beneke Consulting was commissioned by West Coast Poly to undertake a finite element analysis (FEA) of a 17,000 litre cartage tank rotationally moulded from linear low density polyethylene (LLDPE). This tank was mounted on a structural steel frame which was then in turn mounted on either a truck with articulated trailer or on a non-articulated truck.
Research and Development
David Beneke Consulting was commissioned by CSR Panel Systems to assist in the investigations into different methods of reinforcing CSR Hebel PowerPanels. The object of the investigation was to determine whether having a “caged” dual layer reinforcement system would have any beneficial effect on the mechanical properties of the panels as opposed to the current single layer system.
David Beneke Consulting was commissioned by APC Group to undertake a proof check of four cantilever racking systems for their client Laminex. The racking systems were to be installed at Penrose, Auckland New Zealand. Each rack system was modelled in 3 dimensional form using 1 dimensional line elements to represent the uprights, cantilever beams, base beams and down-aisle bracing. Out-of-plumb, placement and impact loads were incorporated into the FEA model and combined together all consistent with FEM10.2.09. Earthquake loading was derived in accordance with NZS1170.5 and applied as static loads at the centre of gravity of the pallets.
David Beneke Consulting was commissioned by PGH Bricks and Pavers to determine the spanning capacity of the horizontal rails and vertical beams of the Corium façade system. The system consists of an L-shaped slotted bracket which attaches to the building substrate and cantilevers out to an aluminium vertical beams. The horizontal rails of the system span between the aluminium vertical beams.
David Beneke Consulting was commissioned by Brickworks to assist in the investigations into the structural capacity of two-way spanning breeze block masonry walls. The objective of the project was to develop a general design spreadsheet which specifies the maximum wall height as a function of the wall length for different wind regions in Australia, ultimate wind pressures and support conditions following AS 3700-2018.
David Beneke Consulting have been involved in the research and development and certification of CSR fibre cement sheet cladding systems since 2009. Our role generally involves assistance with formulation and witnessing of full-scale connection testing, calculations associated with fibre cement panels and verification of maximum span data for the associated light gauge steel framing that supports the fibre cement panels.
As a part of James Hardies ongoing certification process of its sheeting products, David Beneke Consulting was commissioned to undertake 3rd party proof checking and certification of all sheeting products in their range.
David Beneke Consulting have been involved in the research and development and certification of CSR Gyprock plasterboard lining systems since 2013.
Logistics and Materials Handling
As a part of a major upgrade of Distribution Centres in Sydney (Oakdale West) and Brisbane (Redbank), Coles commissioned Witron Logistics with their sub-contractors Bito Lagertechnik and Torri Spa to provide an automated warehouse distribution system.
David Beneke Consulting was commissioned by Vanderlande for two major logistics projects within the Sydney area – Amazon at Kemps Creek and The Western Sydney Airport project at Badgerys Creek. In both cases we undertook 3rd Party structural proof checking of the following conveyor support structures:
David Beneke Consulting was commissioned by Vanderlande to undertake a Producer Statement PS-1 independent structural engineering certification of the base mounted conveyor support structures at the DHL logistics site, Christchurch New Zealand. The subject site was located in close proximity to Christchurch airport. Our role was to ensure that the Vanderlande connection design between the conveyor support structure base and the supporting slab/mezzanine had sufficient ultimate capacity to withstand the applied vertical and horizontal loads.
Miscellaneous Structures
David Beneke Consulting was commissioned by Gerard Lighting to investigate a variable pitch kit which could b added to the existing SL25 street lighting LED lumninaire. The purpose of the variable pitch kit was to allow the luminaire to be placed in specific angles from the horizontal, for installations within New Zealand.
David Beneke Consulting was commissioned by Wright Barrat Civil and Structural Engineers on behalf of DTD Engineering to undertake a finite element analysis (FEA) of three rectangular above ground water storage tanks to be used in a water treatment plant at Darling Walk, Sydney. These three tanks consisted of an MBBR, MBR and buffer tanks. All three tanks are manufactured from Grade 304 and 316 stainless steel and generally consist of wall panels with intermediate stiffeners and internal tie rods. The purpose of the FEA was to facilitate a proof check of the tanks to ensure that their design satisfied the requirements of AS/NZS1170.0 and AS4100.
David Beneke Consulting was commissioned by Kennovations, Sydney to assist with the structural design of heliostats and reflectors for the 1 Central Park project, Sydney. Situated at the previous Carlton and United Brewery site on Broadway in Sydney, the heliostats and reflectors formed part of a primary architectural feature associated with two building towers. The heliostats, placed on top of the shorter western tower reflect sunlight up to a series of reflectors positioned under a steelwork structure cantilevering off the taller east tower. From there the light is directed down into the space between the two towers.
David Beneke Consulting was commissioned by D W Knox partners to investigate the on site failure of a box section compression member fabricated from two Lipped C sections fastened together. The FEA model of the nested lipped C box section consisted of each lipped C member being simulated using 2D plate/shell elements. The M6 fasteners used to bind the adjacent flanges of each lipped C member were simulated using 1 D line elements in conjunction “spider” arrays of stiff 1D line elements at the corresponding fastener holes. 1D compression only contact elements were used to simulate the contact interface between the adjacent flanges.
David Beneke Consulting was commissioned by Cardno to assist in the installation of some air conditioning cooling tower units at Westmead Hospital, Sydney. Unfortunately procurement of the specialised vibration isolation fixings which attach the cooling tower units to their supports was delayed. An alternative fixing with a reduced lead time was devised however it needed to be assessed prior to installation.
David Beneke Consulting was commissioned by FDC Building Contractors to undertake an assessment of a foundation structure which supports printing press equipment. The foundation structure was constructed from a conventional reinforced concrete slab supported by piles. The purposes of the analysis was to determine if the vibration of the printing press equipment caused deflections of the foundation which exceeded specified limits.
David Beneke Consulting was commissioned by Sylvania Schreder to undertake a finite element analysis (FEA) of a Pressure Die-Cast Aluminium Luminaire Mount (mount). The mount connects a spigot to a luminaire body in either a side or top position. In the side position, the spigot is aligned parallel to the luminaire body and in the top mount position, the spigot is aligned perpendicular to the luminaire body.
The Strand7 non-linear static solver incorporating boundary contact non-linearity was used to analyse this model an isometric image of which is shown below (top position indicated). The purpose of the analysis was to ensure that the surface stresses encountered by the mount were less than that allowable prior to tool production was commenced. It is noted that once manufacturing did take place, the mounts were then load tested for verification and certification purposes.
Carbon Fibre
David Beneke Consulting assisted David Stelzer to analyse and optimise a carbon fibre undertray for his 2005 Subaru STi time attack race car. The undertray which is attached to the underside of the car plays an important role in that it assists in providing down force and therefore enhanced grip. Finite element analysis was used in particular as a means of being able to minimise the mass of the undertray, reduce production cost and assist in maximising the performance of the vehicle.
As part of the extension works to the current Emigration and Security Entrance area on the Departures Hall level of Sydney International Airport, David Beneke Consulting was commissioned by Freyssinet Australia to undertake the Carbon Fibre shear reinforcement design for existing beams precast concrete single and double T-beams.